My secret ingredient... bunny hay (full of lovely bunny poo). My bunnies are not only cute and cuddly, they are also great for my garden. The hay not only fertilises my plants, but it also helps to keep the soil moist and warm for happy little roots :)
At the moment I have been growing some rhubarb... yuuummmm... and i've been getting very excited every couple of days to see how much its grown. here are some photos.
You can see some crushed up eggshells in the photo above. This is to keep the snails at bay. we have a dog and a cat and we don't want to poison them or ourselves with snail bait so we use eggshells instead. They seem to be working really well thus far! I just dry them on the window sill and then break them into little pieces and sprinkle them on.
I have also got a little blueberry bush, which i will try to grow. I have tried these before and failed... so we shall see if i have any success :)